**We are completely nonprofit. The cost is to cover equipment and make a small donation to the church as a "Thank You" for allowing us to use the building. Occasionally we will offer free nights to regular attendees. We also provide a small amount of financial assistance to athletes attending competitions.


Ray Smith's Tae Kwon Do


$10/person per night

$5/each additional family member

Max $25/family per night

"Beginner/Intermediate Athletes" = White Gup 10 to Green Gup 5

"Advanced Athletes"  = Blue Gup 4 and above

"Elite Athletes" are those identified by the instructors as having a solid foundation and understanding of the values and principles of Taekwondo and have shown promise in instructing other students.

Classes Available

Monday - Traditional Tae Kwon Do

5:15PM-6:30PM Beginner/Intermediate Athletes

6:30PM-7:30PM Advanced Athletes

7:30PM-7:45PM Advanced Black Belt Training

Tuesdays - Bags and Drills

5:30PM-6:30PM Beginner/Intermediate Athletes

6:30PM-7:30PM Advanced Athletes

Thursdays - Sparring (2-3 times per month)


^Elite Athletes are encouraged to attend all the classes. Both for extra training and to assist the under-belts with their training.